Branch models from PSAT
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
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Modeled as series reactances without iron losses |
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Three winding transformer model from PSAT |
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Phase Shifting Transformer (PST) |
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Under Load Tap Changer, continuous model, secondary voltage control |
Modeled as series reactances without iron losses
Name | Description |
Power flow | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Sending end bus voltage [V] |
Transformer parameters | |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Vn | Voltage rating [V] |
rT | Resistance(transformer base) [1] |
xT | Reactance(transformer base) [1] |
m | Optional fixed tap ratio |
Visualisation | |
displayPF | Display power flow results: |
Name | Description |
p | |
n |
Three winding transformer model from PSAT
Name | Description |
Power flow | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Sending end bus voltage [V] |
Transformer parameters | |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Vn | Voltage rating for transformer [V] |
r12 | Resistance of the branch 1-2 (transformer base) [1] |
r13 | Resistance of the branch 1-3 (transformer base) [1] |
r23 | Resistance of the branch 2-3 (transformer base) [1] |
x12 | Reactance of the branch 1-2 (transformer base) [1] |
x13 | Reactance of the branch 1-3 (transformer base) [1] |
x23 | Reactance of the branch 2-3 (transformer base) [1] |
m | Fixed tap ratio [1] |
Name | Description |
b1 | |
b2 | |
b3 |
Phase Shifting Transformer (PST)
The following documentation is adapted from [Milano2010], chapter 11.2.3:
Phase Shifting Transformers (PhSTs) are able to vary the phase shifting angle φ to control the active power flow. These devices are used in meshed networks for reducing the congestion on some transmission lines and/or properly redis- tributing active power flows in transmission lines. A fairly complete review of PhST technologies can be found in [Verboomen2005].
The measured
of the real power flowpk
is compared with the desired power flowpref
and a PI controller is used for varying the phase angle φ.[...]
The phase angle φ is subjected to an windup limiter. [...] It is relevant to note that connecting two areas of a network only by means of PhSTs can lead to unsolvable cases, as PhSTs impose the total real power transfer between the two areas.
Name | Description |
Power flow | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Sending end bus voltage [V] |
Transformer parameters | |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Vn | Voltage rating [V] |
rT | Resistance (transformer base) [1] |
xT | Reactance (transformer base) [1] |
m | Optional fixed tap ratio |
Phase controller | |
pref | Desired power flow [1] |
Kp | Proportional gain |
Ki | Integral gain |
Tm | Measurement time constant [s] |
alpha_max | Maximum phase angle [rad] |
alpha_min | Minimum phase angle [rad] |
Initialization | |
pmes0 | Initial measured power flow [1] |
alpha0 | Initial phase shifting angle [rad] |
Name | Description |
n | |
p |
Under Load Tap Changer, continuous model, secondary voltage control
Name | Description |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
Vbus1 | Sending end Bus nominal voltage [V] |
Vbus2 | Receiving end Bus nominal voltage [V] |
Transformer data | |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Vn | Voltage rating [V] |
rT | Transformer resistance(transformer base) [1] |
xT | Transformer reactance(transformer base) [1] |
Voltage control | |
v_ref | Reference voltage [1] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude of the controlled bus [1] |
kT | Nominal tap ratio (V1/V2) |
m0 | Initial tap ratio [pu/pu] |
m_max | Maximum tap ratio [pu/pu] |
m_min | Minimum tap ratio [pu/pu] |
H | Integral deviation [1] |
K | Inverse time constant [1/s] |
Name | Description |
p | |
n |