Load models from PSAT
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
ExponentialRecovery | Exload - Exponential Recovery Load |
FrequencyDependent | Fl - Frequency Dependent Load |
Mixed | Mixload - Mixed Load |
PQ | Pl - Constant PQ Load |
PQvar | Equations come from the mathematical separation in between reals and imaginary of S=P+jQ=UI* |
ThermostaticallyControlled | Thload - Thermostatically Controlled Load |
VoltageDependent | Voltage Dependent Load |
ZIP | ZIP Load |
ZIP_ExtInput | PSAT ZIP load with additional input |
ZIP_Jimma | Jimma - Jimma's Load |
BaseClasses | Base load models from PSAT |
Exload - Exponential Recovery Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Tp | Active power time constant [s] |
Tq | Reactive power time constant [s] |
alpha_s | Static active power exponent |
alpha_t | Dynamic active power exponent |
beta_s | Static reactive power exponent |
beta_t | Dynamic reactive power exponent |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |
Fl - Frequency Dependent Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
alpha_p | Active power voltage coefficient |
alpha_q | Reactive power voltage coefficient |
beta_p | Active power frequency coefficient |
beta_q | Reactive power frequency coefficient |
Tf | Filter time constant [s] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |
Mixload - Mixed Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Kpf | Frequency coefficient for the active power [1] |
alpha | Voltage exponent for the active power |
Tpv | Time constant of dV/dt for the active power [s] |
Kqf | Frequency coefficient for the reactive power [1] |
beta | Voltage exponent for the reactive power |
Tqv | Time constant of dV/dt for the reactive power [s] |
Tfv | Time constant of voltage magnitude filter [s] |
Tft | Time constant of voltage angle filter [s] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |
Pl - Constant PQ Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
To Be Implemented | |
Vmax | maximum voltage [1] |
Vmin | minimum voltage [1] |
forcePQ | force constant PQ-load, false may cause simulation problems |
Name | Description |
p |
Equations come from the mathematical separation in between reals and imaginary of S=P+jQ=UI*
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Variation 1 | |
t_start_1 | Start time of first load variation [s] |
t_end_1 | End time of first load variation [s] |
dP1 | First active load variation [W] |
dQ1 | First reactive load variation [var] |
Variation 2 | |
t_start_2 | Start time of second Load variation [s] |
t_end_2 | End time of second load variation [s] |
dP2 | Second active load variation [W] |
dQ2 | Second reactive load variation [var] |
To Be Implemented | |
Vmax | maximum voltage [1] |
Vmin | minimum voltage [1] |
forcePQ | force 'constant' PQ-load, false may cause simulation problems |
Name | Description |
p |
Thload - Thermostatically Controlled Load
This load defines a dynamic load with temperature control. This component is initialized after the power flow solution and needs a PQ load connected at the same bus.
For more information see [Milano2013], section "16.6 Thermostatically Controlled Load".
Extends from OpenIPSL.Electrical.Loads.PSAT.BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Kl | Ceiling conductance output |
Kp | Gain of the proportional controller [pu/pu] |
Ki | Gain of the integral controller [pu/pu] |
Ti | Time constant of integral controller [s] |
T1 | Time constant of the thermal load [s] |
T_ref | Reference temperature [degC] |
T0 | Initial temperature [degC] |
G0 | Initial conductance [1] |
Gmax | Maximum conductance [1] |
Gmin | Minimum conductance [1] |
K1 | Active power gain [pu/pu] |
K3 | Gain anti wind-up |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p | |
t_ref | Reference temperature |
t_a | Ambient temperature |
Voltage Dependent Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
alphap | Active power exponent |
alphaq | Reactive power exponent |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |
ZIP Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Pz | Conductance [1] |
Pi | Active current [1] |
Pp | Active power [1] |
Qz | Susceptance [1] |
Qi | Reactive current [1] |
Qp | Reactive power [1] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |
PSAT ZIP load with additional input
Extends from OpenIPSL.Electrical.Loads.PSAT.BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Pz | Conductance [1] |
Pi | Active current [1] |
Pp | Active power [1] |
Qz | Susceptance [1] |
Qi | Reactive current [1] |
Qp | Reactive power [1] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p | |
u |
Jimma - Jimma's Load
Extends from BaseClasses.baseLoad (Base load for PSAT models).
Name | Description |
Sn | Power rating [V.A] |
Tf | Time constant of the high-pass filter [s] |
Pz | Conductance [1] |
Pi | Active current [1] |
Pp | Active power [1] |
Qz | Susceptance [1] |
Qi | Reactive current [1] |
Qp | Reactive power [1] |
Kv | coefficient of the voltage time derivative [1/s] |
Power flow data | |
S_b | System base power [V.A] |
V_b | Base voltage of the bus [V] |
fn | System frequency [Hz] |
P_0 | Initial active power [W] |
Q_0 | Initial reactive power [var] |
v_0 | Initial voltage magnitude [1] |
angle_0 | Initial voltage angle [rad] |
displayPF | Display power flow: |
Name | Description |
p |