
Set of steps illustrating how to assemble a network model using the OpenIPSL


The task of modeling the network should be done after the modeling of the generation units. If you have not done it yet, follow the instructions on package Generator.

The modeling procedure of the three-bus system is divided into five steps:

More information about each step is displayed in the graphics/diagram layer of the model. Note that you also need to input the parameter values.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Name Description
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial.Example_1.Network.Step_1 Step_1 Creating system model, adding buses, generator and system data
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial.Example_1.Network.Step_2 Step_2 Adding branch models to network
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial.Example_1.Network.Step_3 Step_3 Adding infinite bus
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial.Example_1.Network.Step_4 Step_4 Adding fault event
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial.Example_1.Network.Step_5 Step_5 Connecting models


Creating system model, adding buses, generator and system data


Adding branch models to network


Adding infinite bus


Adding fault event


Connecting models

Automatically generated Mon Oct 10 14:35:38 2022.