The Open-Instance Power System Library - OpenIPSL
contains many power system component models written in Modelica
language that can be used for power system dynamic analysis, such as phasor time-domain simulations.
This is a very short User's Guide that will try to help users to get familiar
with the library providing general information about the OpenIPSL
More information about the library can be found on this dedicated to the OpenIPSL organization.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).
Name | Description |
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Overview |
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Conventions |
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Getting Started |
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Testing and Verification |
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Publications |
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References |
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Release notes |
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Contact |
The OpenIPSL
has, basically, six packages:
Examples, Electrical, Nonelectrical, Interfaces, Icons and Types. They are briefly described below:
The Electrical package has many other subpackages that are briefly described here. It also contains one model, SystemBase, which is going to be explained later in Getting Started. Within each subpackage, the user will find models grouped into software tools from which each model design was extracted.
Subpackage | Description |
Controls | Models that represent controllers used in machines. Exciters, stabilizers and governors for example. |
Banks | Models that represent shunt devices that compensate reactive power. |
Branches | Models that represent devices that connect two or more buses. Transformers and power lines are perfect examples. |
Buses | Models that represent nodes of a circuit. |
Events | Models that can be used for the representation of events in a power system. Examples are faults and breakers. |
FACTS | Models that represent devices used in the Flexible AC Transmission System paradigm. |
Loads | Models that represent various types of loads in a power system. |
Machines | Models that represent the rotating electrical machines connected to a power system such as generators and motors. |
Sensors | Models that can represent sensors used in a real power system. |
Solar | Models that represent photovoltaic solar cells and their interface to the grid. |
ThreePhase | Models that can represent three-phase grids. More information can be found in the package's documentation. |
Wind | Models that represent wind generators and their controls. |
Essentials | Contains the pfComponent model that is extended for purposes of initialization with power flow results. |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).
The team behind OpenIPSL
strives to achieve a harmonized development of the library to facilitate its usability and integration into other services.
Here are some naming conventions that we try to obey:
or K_1
. Note: some parameter names have first upper case letters and others lower case.domega
in Modelica.Types.ApparentPower
for variables that are declared in MVA. Note: if the proper unit is not represented in
Types, units available in Modelica's SI (Systeme Internationale) should be used.Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).
The OpenIPSL
was developed to be a familiar alternative to traditional
power system analysis tools.
There are, however, some particularities to the nature of the library, presented in this Section.
All models in a Modelica library require initial guess values that should come from a solution of the steady state of the overall model. This initial guess is called power flow. However, there is no power flow solver associated to the library as of the present time. When building a use case, initialization of all variables must be performed with a power flow software. The users are free to choose their power flow software of choice.
Almost all of our models have been developed to provide the same response than a reference power system simulation tool, e.g., PSAT and PSS®E. You can use these tools to create a power flow solution for your network. If you do not have access to these tools or do not want to use them, there are several power flow solvers available on GitHub. Examples on how to generate Modelica records from open source and proprietary power flow solvers, specifically GridCal and PSS®E can be found in this paper and in this GitHub repository.
From these values, a Modelica tool solves the initialization problem for all algebraic and differential - state variables.
All models in OpenIPSL
are programmed in such way that by introducing a power flow solution (from another tool), the initial guesses are computed as parameters within each model and are provided into the initial equations that are used as an initial guess to solve the overall initialization problem.
See this paper for a more detailed explanation.
As we have just mentioned, the full initialization of the components' internal variables and states is achieved by a set of internal initial equations that are to be derived by the developer of the model. In a effort to harmonized the presentation of the power flow parameters, a model should extend pfComponent that will provide all the necessary parameters for data coming from power flow solutions to be used in the initialization of the model. The pfComponent also provide the support for the common SystemBase component that provides a single instance of the system's common parameters, i.e., frequency and base power.
The time domain simulations are prepared to work with Modelica-compliant tools.
Users of the OpenIPSL
are free to choose their tool of choice. However, note that the development of OpenIPSL
has been carried out using OpenModelica, Dymola, Modelon Impact and Wolfram SystemModeler.
The library is, also, systematically checked using the two mentioned tools (see Library Testing).
Nonetheless, it might be possible to face issues when using other Modelica Tools that we have not fully tested.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).
The OpenIPSL
repository uses GitHub Actions
for Continuous Integration services to the repository.
In the current implementation, Modelica syntax and HTML documentation checking for all classes in the OpenIPSL is implemented
These tests are used to ensure the validation status of models that are based on PSSE implementations. The models undergo simulations with different events such as faults, reference changes and load variations. The main idea is to try to capture different responses from the model being verified. If a model has a very small error if compared to PSSE base result for that simulation, it passes a test. A model is considered to be verified if it passes all tests. Models that pass the verification procedure have a green dashed line around them.
The regression testing is done separately in different Modelica-compliant tools (OpenModelica and Dymola, for now) so models can be independently verified. A detailed view of all models that undergo the verification process can be found in the NYPA Model Transformation reports. The entire result verification procedure is done using CSV-Compare.
Automatic regression testing is not yet configured in our Travis CI routine.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).
The list of publications written about OpenIPSL library and its models can be found below.
If you use OpenIPSL in your work or research, we kindly ask you to cite (preferably), our SoftwareX paper:
Otherwise, you cite one of the following papers, according to a specific use of OpenIPSL:
In addition, you can also browse a few of the thesis of the students that carried out their MSc and PhD research under Prof. Vanfretti's group in the following links:
Extends from Modelica.Icons.References (Icon for external references).
[IEEE1968] | IEEE: "Computer representation of excitation systems". IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol PAS-87, 1460–1464, No 6, June 1968. DOI: 10.1109/TPAS.1968.292114 |
[IEEE1973] | IEEE: "Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies", in IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, volume PAS-92, issue 6, IEEE Report 1973, DOI: 10.1109/TPAS.1973.293570 |
[IEEE1981] | IEEE: "Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", in IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, IEEE Report 1981, DOI: 10.1109/TPAS.1981.316906 |
[IEEE1992] | IEEE: "421.5-1992 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", IEEE Standard 1992, DOI: 10.1109/IEEESTD.1992.106975 |
[IEEE2005] | IEEE: "421.5-2005 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", IEEE Standard 2005, DOI: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2006.99499 |
[IEEE2013] | IEEE Power & Energy Society: "Dynamic models for turbine-governors in power system studies", Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, IEEE PES Resource Center |
[IEEE2016] | IEEE: "421.5-2016 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", IEEE Standard 2016, DOI: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2016.7553421 |
[Milano2010] | Federico Milano: "Power System Modelling and Scripting", Springer 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-13668-9 |
[Milano2013] | Federico Milano: "Power System Analysis Toolbox", Documentation for PSAT version 2.1.8, 6th January 2013, (Home page) |
[PSSE-AGV1] | Siemens: "PSS®E Program Application Guide Volume 1", version 33, April 2017, (Home page) |
[PSSE-AGV2] | Siemens: "PSS®E Program Application Guide Volume 2", version 33, April 2017, (Home page) |
[PSSE-MODELS] | Siemens: "PSS®E Model Library", version 33, April 2017, (Home page) |
[Verboomen2005] | Verboomen, J., Van Hertem, D., Schavemaker, P., Kling, W., Belmans, R.: "Phase shifting transformers: Principles and applications". In: International Conference on Future Power Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2005, DOI: 10.1109/FPS.2005.204302 |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.References (Icon for external references).
The OpenIPSL is developed by many people from a few different organizations. This page shows the active members and contributors.
In addition to that, the library currently has the following team of developers and active contributors:
Contributor | Organization | Contact |
Biswarup Mukherjee | MINES ParisTech | |
Giuseppe Laera | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | |
Manuel Navarro Catalan | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | |
Maxime Baudette | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
Meaghan Podlaski | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | |
Sergio Dorado-Rojas | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | |
Tin Rabuzin | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Contact (Icon for contact information).
Automatically generated Thu Oct 6 17:41:42 2022.