
Package with set of application examples


The systems within this package represent models of different power systems examples that are implemented in Modelica using this library.

These systems are originally designed to serve as application example of the library and, therefore, can be used as an illustration of how power systems can be assembled using the OpenIPSL.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Content

Name Description
OpenIPSL.Examples.Tutorial Tutorial OpenIPSL tutorial for beginners
OpenIPSL.Examples.AKD AKD Small subsystem representing the northern part of the Norwegian power system network
OpenIPSL.Examples.DAEMode DAEMode Test cases used to verify the efficiency of the Dymola DAE mode implementation for hybrid models
OpenIPSL.Examples.IEEE9 IEEE9 IEEE (WSCC) 9-bus 3-machine test system package
OpenIPSL.Examples.IEEE14 IEEE14 IEEE 14-bus 5-machine test system package
OpenIPSL.Examples.KundurSMIB KundurSMIB Single-machine infinite bus model used in the Example 13.2 of the Kundur's book
OpenIPSL.Examples.N44 N44 Library of Nordic 44 models
OpenIPSL.Examples.NamsskoganGrid NamsskoganGrid Package with the Namsskogan power network
OpenIPSL.Examples.OpenCPS OpenCPS Test systems used in the Open Cyber-Physical Systems project
OpenIPSL.Examples.PSATSystems PSATSystems Different test systems implemented with PSAT models
OpenIPSL.Examples.RaPIdExperiments RaPIdExperiments Package with the test systems used in RaPId
OpenIPSL.Examples.SevenBus SevenBus Seven-bus three-machine test network package
OpenIPSL.Examples.TwoAreas TwoAreas 2 areas test system from Klein, Rogers, and Kundur
Automatically generated Mon Oct 10 14:35:38 2022.